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Book Us

Participants Benefits

  • Practical information & application
  • Learning Biblical Financial Principles
  • Learning to integrate faith & finances
  • Gain a sense of peace & direction in regard to faith & finances

Benefits to the Church, Schools, Organizations

  • Stewardship training
  • Increased revenues
  • Planned Gifts
  • An Outreach Ministry
  • Helping vulnerable people

Can I ask you a few questions?

  • Is the level of giving at your church where you would like to see it?
  • Would you like to see an increase in the percentage of people who give to your church?
  • Would you like to see an increase in the amount of giving per household?
  • Do you feel there is a greater need for stewardship training and financial discipleship?
  • Do you feel you have adequate people resources to meet this need?
  • Would an experienced and knowledgeable Christian resource person* be helpful to you in meeting this need?
  • Do you feel there is a need generally for people to learn about financial matters from a Christian perspective?

Groups we have worked with:

  • Alliance Church of Canada
  • Alberta Baptist Association
  • Anglican Church of Canada
  • Baptist general Conference
  • Baptist Union of Western Canada
  • Edmonton Catholic Hospitals
  • Good Samaritan Society
  • King’s University
  • Mount Carmel Bible College
  • Plymouth Brethren
  • University of Alberta
  • Young Men’s Christian Association

Book Us