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How We Serve

"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." Proverbs 15:22

Seminars & Workshops

These Christian-based educational and entertaining presentations are integrated using modern financial principles with Biblical wisdom. Each presentation is typically 2 to 3 hours and can be customized to fit your requirements. 

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Webinars –
Christian based

Personalized webinars can be presented to any group within your church, school or community by Compass Presenters using Zoom technology. Flexibility is the key with personalized webinars.

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Webinars –
Non-Financial Retirement Series 

77% of those planning to retire wish “there were more resources available to help them plan for an ideal retirement beyond just their finances” - Age Wave study

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Small Group Bible Studies

For many people, this is the ideal forum for learning about faith and finances with their established small group members. On the other hand, new groups could come together for this specific purpose.

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Planned Giving

You can define this as the thoughtful planning of a charitable gift so that the donor realizes their charitable objectives while maximizing tax and other financial benefits. This can have a tremendous positive impact on charities and donors, but guidance is needed.

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Professional Referrals

The biggest issue when it comes to financial planning is who can I trust. There are many voices out there with different messages. We can help facilitate introductions to trusted lawyers, accountants, and financial planners.

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